The Allentown Redevelopment Authority (ARA) was created on January 17, 1956, by Resolution #14120, and is authorized to provide all the services outlined in the Pennsylvania Urban Redevelopment Law 1712.1 of 1945.
Mission: To promote Redevelopment and maintain social infrastructure and healthy community housing within the city limits. Working closely with the City to define areas and properties that are problematic and in need of sound redesign, repurposing or redevelopment for public convenience, economic and community welfare.
Purpose: To acquire unsafe, unsanitary, inadequate or undesirable parcels and buildings using the power of eminent domain (*). Once in ARA's inventory, they work with Non-Profits, Developers, and Local Contractors to rehabilitate or repurpose these parcels and buildings ultimately returning them to the community as code complaint, tax right properties.
Powers: They can purchase, sell, lease, or dispose of real property within the City limits. Allentown Redevelopment Authority also has the authority to implement Eminent Domain powers, and if approved to do so, as per the Urban Redevelopment Law 1712, they can acquire vacant "Certified" Blighted properties by condemnation. Once a property is in its inventory, it can sell properties on such terms and conditions as it deems appropriate, if it fits in line with the City's Comprehensive Plan.
Funding: The Redevelopment Authority's activities are secured and funded primarily through State and Federal Grants programs, i.e., Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), acting as a pass-through for receiving and administering grants and loans, reimbursements from municipalities and private sector entities for services provided to them of the Authority Members of the Authority Board of Directors are residents and business owners who serve in their non-paid positions under appointment by the Mayor.
Service Area: The City of Allentown, Pennsylvania